Personal Insurance


Life doesn’t always go to plan. Prepare your family and finances for the unexpected with personalised wealth protection

Have you thought about how long you could manage financially without your income as a result of illness or injury? How would your family cope if you were no longer around as a breadwinner?

At Wealthone, we help you plan for the unexpected with personal risk insurance designed to protect your family’s finances.


Life Insurance

Life insurance provides a lump sum payment in the event of your death or terminal illness. The proceeds can be used for a variety of purposes, including providing for your dependents and repaying debts.


TPD Insurance (Total and Permanent Disability)

Total and Permanent disability (TPD) insurance cover provides a lump sum payment in the event of total and permanent disablement due to illness or injury. The proceeds can be used to meet ongoing living expenses, repay debts and cover things like medical bills and ongoing care costs.


Trauma Insurance

Trauma insurance cover provides a lump sum payment in the event you’re affected by a defined medical condition, like a heart attack or stroke. Applying regardless of whether you’re prevented from working or not, the proceeds can be used to cover medical expenses, repay debts and maintain a comfortable standard of living during recovery.


Income Protection Insurance

Income protection insurance provides a monthly income stream to replace your lost income in the event you’re unable to work due to injury or sickness. It’s designed to help you maintain a reasonable standard of living while you’re unable to continue earning your regular income.

To see how we can help give you the peace of mind you deserve, contact us Today.